Reasons to Work with a Luxury Real Estate Agent

Reasons to Work with a Luxury Real Estate Agent

  • Lisa Quam
  • 08/10/21

Are you thinking about selling a piece of Las Vegas real estate or are you ready to begin looking at Las Vegas luxury homes to possibly purchase? If so, you probably already know that you need to work with a real estate agent. What you might not know is that there are many advantages to working with a luxury realtor who is used to working with clients with large budgets. 

Luxury realtors tend to be at the top of their professions and can offer unique insight, knowledge, and expertise for those who want to make real estate investments or buy/sell homes that are valued within the top 10% of properties on the local market. Here are some reasons why working with a luxury agent is in your best interest.

Experience and Knowledge

Most luxury agents don’t enter the market selling $2 million+ homes. Instead, they work their way up by offering top-notch customer service and by continually gaining knowledge about the Las Vegas real estate industry. By the time they are able to classify themselves as luxury realtors, they’ve put in the time and effort it takes to lead their field. They know all the nuances of working with affluent clients and understand their unique wants, needs and expectations. You’ll benefit from their extensive knowledge about buying and selling high-end property in your area and can rely on them to take all the work off your shoulders.

Discretion and Confidentiality 

Luxury clients often need a higher level of discretion and confidentiality than those buying or selling property in a lower price range. When you work with a luxury agent to sell your Las Vegas real estate or buy Las Vegas luxury homes, you can benefit from the following:

◾ Pocket listings 

A pocket listing is one that is not marketed to the general public. Instead, the agent markets it to their connections, including other real estate agents, those potentially interested in buying it and others in the industry. When your home is listed in this manner, you don’t have to worry about people coming to see it out of curiosity or about the general public even being aware that you are selling. On the buying side, your agent can let you know about Las Vegas luxury homes that have not yet been listed so you won’t have to compete with as many other offers if you choose to buy.

◾ A commitment to confidentiality 

Luxury agents know that their reputation is invaluable and they would never risk it by breaching confidentiality or practicing anything other than the utmost discretion. If you want to ensure your search for or intent to sell Las Vegas real estate is kept private, you need to work with an agent of the highest caliber.

Negotiation Skills

There are many different types of personalities involved in buying and selling high-end Las Vegas real estate. A luxury agent who has spent time in the market and has experience dealing with a wide range of people knows how to effectively work with these different personality types to negotiate the best possible deal for their clients. Luxury real estate deals can easily run into the tens of millions of dollars, so a good negotiator can help you gain or save you tens of thousands of dollars.

Advisory Role

While other types of agents tend to be more transaction-oriented, a luxury agent takes on more of a role of an advisor. This means he or she can help you determine the pros and cons of certain types of investments or can give you advice on when to purchase Las Vegas luxury homes to best maximize your budget. When you’re spending millions of dollars on a house or attempting to sell high-end property, the guidance of an advisor is key. To ensure your agent will act as an advisor, make sure to take plenty of time to interview them before entering into any contract. Make sure they answer all your questions, are easy to communicate with, and have the knowledge you need to succeed with your real estate transaction.


Connections are key when it comes to luxury real estate. In addition to tapping into connections to market pocket listings, a high-end Las Vegas real estate agent will also have connections to the following:

â—¾ Connections to professional marketing companies

Those who classify themselves as luxury realtors know they need to step up when it comes to marketing their clients’ Las Vegas luxury homes. That’s why many of them invest in hiring a professional marketing company that can help them develop quality websites, effective social media campaigns, and other online marketing strategies to put their clients’ properties at the top of their ideal buyers’ lists.

◾ Connections within professional organizations 

Luxury Las Vegas real estate agents make it a priority to get involved with their community and industry organizations. This keeps them up to date on everything happening in the industry and connected with others pros in the area who can help them elevate their game. Some organizations that offer luxury property education and other resources are only open to those who work successfully in the luxury market and are not open to agents who buy and sell lower-priced properties.

â—¾ Connections to other real estate pros

Need to find unique financing options for your Las Vegas real estate investment purchase? Or do you want to work with a staging company that has experience prepping $2-$10 million Las Vegas luxury homes for the market? Your luxury agent will have the connections you need to make the entire buying or selling process seamless, stress-free, and successful.

Are you in the market to buy Las Vegas real estate or are you ready to add your house to other Las Vegas luxury homes on the market? Working with an agent who is experienced and knowledgeable in luxury real estate is the ticket to success. If you’re ready to take the next step, reach out to Lisa Quam to talk more.


Work With The Lisa Quam Group

Whether you're buying or selling, Lisa highly recommends working with an experienced luxury realtor professional who has their finger on the pulse of the market in which you are interested and who will negotiate on your behalf with your best interest at the forefront.